They say a picture is worth a thousand words and in this post they represent much more than that! It was quite impossible to limit ourselves to just 5 Sevilla photos (so we didn’t), but we wanted to share with you some of our absolute favorite photos from our adventures in Sevilla, Spain. With such a beautiful city and colorful culture, it’s no wonder we were able to get some good ones. These pictures do not do this incredible city any sort of justice but we hope this will inspire you to take a trip there of your own!
Photo 1: Plaza de Espana
This friends, is the Plaza de Espana–which for the record is one of our favorite spots on the planet–and is a giant plaza stamped in the middle of the city. It was originally used for the Ibero-American Exposition in 1929, but has since been open to the public free of charge for people to explore its intricacies and use as a prime Instagram backdrop. You can honestly spend hours exploring its Moorish inspired architecture and beautiful gardens….and we suggest you do just that.
Photo 2: Bull Fighting Stadium
Sevilla hosts professional bull fights from March through October, in their “Plaza de Toros Maestranza” bull ring. The entire stadium is lit up as people of all ages anxiously await for each show to start. This activity can often be a controversial topic so we won’t go too much into it, but whether you hate it or you love it, Bull Fighting is a huge part of the Spanish culture, so if you have the opportunity to experience one, it’s worth checking out!
Photo 3: Tapa Style
The Spanish Cuisine, as you may already know, usually consists of small plates or tapas meant to share. In Sevilla you’ll find that many restaurants offer the same or similar Spanish staples— chorizo, tortilla espanola, paella, croquetas—but will be prepared differently depending on where you go. We loved eating our way through Sevilla and enjoyed the hunt of finding the best patatas bravas the city had to offer! You really cannot go wrong when it comes to Spanish tapas, so our advice to you is to not hold back and to try anything and everything!
Photo 4: Las Setas
Las Setas is a wooden structure in Sevilla that was built in 2011, and also the site where people go to get a killer view of the city. The formal name is Metropol Parasol, but most natives call it “Las Setas” or “Mushroom” in Spanish because of its uncanny resemblance to a bush of mushrooms. The structure itself is somewhat controversial within the community because some believe the modern-like architecture takes away from the historic beauty of traditional Sevilla. Ironically, the top of Las Setas is one of the best ways to see Sevilla. For 3 euros you can walk the rooftop of this structure, taking in all sides of the city, and enjoy a complimentary rooftop drink with the view!
Photo 5: Las Calles or “The Streets”
One can get lost in the streets of Sevilla. Literally. Sevilla is the fourth largest city in Spain so there are endless cobblestone streets to wander and explore. That is how we stumbled upon some of the best bars and restaurants while on our trip and we wouldn’t have had it any other way. This picture was taken in El Centro, or the city center of Sevilla. Around just about every corner you can find a tapas bar, plenty of shops, and Spanish gelato. Yes please!
Okay, we know we said 5 pictures, but we couldn’t write a post about Sevilla without mentioning La Feria de Abril. La Feria is Sevilla’s very own Flamenco dance festival that takes place every year (just over the Triana Bridge) in late April/early May. The festival celebrates a historic livestock fair and in true Sevillano style, the city shuts down—meaning no work, no school—to honor the week-long event. What can you expect? The streets designated for this festival are completely blocked off and lined with giant family-owned tents that host the stage for Flamenco dancing, Spanish food, and healthy amounts of rubijtos, La Feria’s infamous drink.
Jenny Bhatia
Yes, Seville. I spent a couple of summers in Spain when I was in my twenties. We devoured Seville. It was so much fun. You are right. I will have to add this to our Spain itinerary when we reschedule for next year. Beautiful images.
Jenny BhatiaThank you! So glad you were able to experience Sevilla at some point in your life! It is often overlooked because of bigger Spanish cities like Madrid and Barcelona, but Sevilla is a dream 🙂